Discussing the ‘New Silk Road’ Strategy in Central Asia

Central Asia Policy Forum No. 2, June 2012

Featuring Geoffrey PYATT, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Michaela PROKOP, political economist focusing on regional economic cooperation issues, Gael RABALLAND, PhD in economics, Associate Researcher at the Choiseul Institute, Paris, Gulshan SACHDEVA, Associate Professor, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

In 2011 State Secretary Hillary Clinton launched a ‘New Silk Road’ strategy, presented as one of the United States’ major contributions to the post-2014 period in Afghanistan and designed to direct international investment to favor regional trade linking South Asia and Central Asia. Is the Silk Road initiative more than a positive spin on the military exit from Afghanistan? What are its main underlying geostrategic logics and economic mechanisms? How are the trade drivers of the Silk Road assessed?