Cinema Club Film Screening: Luna Papa
Directed by Bakhtiyar Khudhoinazarov (Tajikistan, 1999) The unborn child of Mamlakat (Khamatova) is telling her story. She is 17, beautiful and vivacious, and dreaming secretly of becoming an actress. She…
The Second Central Asia Security Workshop
Join us for the Second Security Workshop to celebrate the two year anniversary of the CentralAsia Program. We will discuss the current state of affairs in Central Asia and offer a fresh…
Towards a World Without Nuclear Weapons Testing
with Karipbek Kuyukov, ATOM Project Honorary Ambassador and Artist, and Roman Vassilenko, Ambassador-at-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of KazakhstanThe ATOM Project (Abolish Testing Our Mission) is an international campaign designed to…
The Unique Role of the American University of Central Asia
The American University of Central Asia and the George Washington University's Central Asia Program would like you to invite you to join us on March 12, 2014. After the American and…
Bottom-up Secularism in the Top-down States of Eurasia
with John Schoeberlein, Nazarbayev University The resurgence of religion in the post-Soviet space has been accompanied by heightened appeals to secularism as a social and political order. Most research on secularism in Eurasian…
Cinema Club Film Screening: The Orator
Directed by Yusuf Razykov (Uzbekistan, 1999)A historical drama. The meetings and marches of the Red Revolution change the life of the poor Iskander. Because he knows Russian, he becomes an interpreter…
International Water Day
With Marlene Laruelle, Central Asia Program, George Washington University Julia Collins, Women and Water Project Marcus King, George Washington University Barbara Miller, Global Gender Program, George Washington University Amanda Klasing,…
Are US strategic interests in Azerbaijan at risk?
with Dr. Farhad Aliyev, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute The current US policy of disengagement from Southern Eurasia may have a negative impact upon the US strategic interests in the region in the long-run, with Azerbaijan becoming…
Diversified Development: Making the Most of Natural Resources in Eurasia
with, Ivailo Izvorski, The World Bank Economic development discussions in Eurasia often become debates about diversification. For aregion that is resource-rich, this is to be expected. Eurasian economies have in many ways become less…
Security Challenges and Scenarios for Central Asia
with Erlan Karin, Visiting Professor, American University Erlan Karin will discuss the diverse security challenges, both external and internal, that the Central Asian countries currently face. He will explore the presidential successions, possible scenarios,…
Youth in Kazakhstan: Societal Changes, Challenges and Opportunities
9:00am Registration and Breakfast 9:15am Opening Peter Rollberg, Director, IERES, The George Washington University Ambassador Kairat Umarov, Kazakhstan Embassy in the United States 9:30‐10:00am Keynote speaker Ambassador Richard Hoagland, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of South…
Turkmenistan: Evolutions and Permanence
with Luca Anceschi, University of Glasgow Myles Smyth, IREX Sebastien Peyrouse, The George Washington University This roundtable explores the evolution of Berdymukhamedov's Turkmenistan. The second president reoriented few aspects of the country's previous policy, and the long-awaited…
Cinema Club Film Screening: Tulpan
Directed by Sergei Dvortsovoi (Kazakhstan, 2009)On the steppes of Kazakhstan, Asa lives in a yurt with his sister Samal, her husband Ondas, and their three children. Ondas is a herdsman,…
Post-2014 Afghanistan: The US Military Exit and Political Stability
With Dr. Timor Sharan This talk will provide an Afghan perspective of what U.S. military withdrawal will mean for political stability and state survival post-2014. The 2001 international intervention, created a ‘network state’…
Revolution and Art in the Kyrgyz Republic
with Sally Cummings, St. Andrews University Professor Sally Nikoline Cummings teaches in the School of InternationalRelations, University of St Andrews. Her more recent publications includeUnderstanding Central Asia (2012), Sovereignty after Empire: Comparing theMiddle East…
Cinema Club Film Screening: The Light Thief
Directed by Aktan Arym Kubat (Kyrgyzstan, 2010)The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He…
Social Media and the Online Debate in Central Asia
with Navbahor Imamova, Voice of America The emergence of the Internet and the growing participation of people, especially youth, in social media constitute positive change for Central Asia. Uzbekistan as well as the other…
Myth and Rhetoric of the Turkish Model: Changing notions of marginality in Turkey
with Anita Sengupta, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata, India The Turkish Model or the Turkish Developmental Alternative was promoted in the Central Asian Republics immediately following the dissolution of the…
Kazakhstan Beyond Economic Success – Exploring Social and Cultural Changes in Eurasia
Organized by The George Washington University’s Central Asia Program (CAP) and the Uppsala Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies (UCRS) Funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) Uppsala University, Sweden June 13-14, 2014…
The Third Central Asia Fellowship Seminar
Reassessing the Water/Energy Nexus in Central AsiaThe Third Central Asia Fellowship Seminar June 24, 2014, 4:30-7pm Lindner Commons, 6th Floor George Washington University 1957 E Street, NW, Washington DC The…
Politics, Religion, and Conflict Online in Central Asia
Noah Tucker (, and CAP associate)Sarah Kendzior (Al Jazeera and CAP associate) Courtney Ranson (Media research consultant) The Internet and social media are slowly beginning to revolutionize the Islamic marketplace of…
Old’ and ‘New’ Political Islam
with Emmanuel Karagiannis, King's College, LondonDr. Emmanuel Karagiannis is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Defence Studies, King’s College London. He was educated in Great Britain (London South Bank…
Cinema Club Film Screening: Warriors of the Steppe
Directed by Akan Sataev (Kazakhstan, 2012) A universal story about the freedom of the human spirit and the struggle against slavery and despotism, about love, loss and betrayal. It is…