Calendar of Events
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Dungans in Central Asia: History, Culture, Pedagogy
Among the large and small peoples inhabiting Central Asia, the Hui or Dungan occupy a special place. Dungans are Sunni Muslims who moved to the Semirechye region, spanning southeastern Kazakhstan and northeastern Kyrgyzstan, in the 1870s after the defeat of the anti-Qing uprising in China. Today Dungans live mostly in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Russia,… Continue reading Dungans in Central Asia: History, Culture, Pedagogy
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Bolashak Fellows Conference
Bolashak Fellows Conference
The Central Asia Program (CAP) has hosted 16 Bolashak Visiting Fellows pursuing a tailor-made training program in Leadership in Higher Education Management. As their time at GW is coming to a close, please join us to meet them, to learn from their experience in the US, to hear about their key findings, and get to… Continue reading Bolashak Fellows Conference
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Infrastructure and Connectivity in the Pamir Mountains
Infrastructure and Connectivity in the Pamir Mountains
Infrastructure in the Pamir Mountains often fuels the narrative of greater connectivity brought about by regional megaprojects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) or the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). While roads promise to link the remote regions of the Pamirs to globalized dynamics, a local-scale perspective shows more nuanced aspects of connectivity,… Continue reading Infrastructure and Connectivity in the Pamir Mountains
Film Screening: Islomkhodja
Film Screening: Islomkhodja
The Central Asia Program and the American Uzbekistan Association are inviting you for a film screening of Islamkhodja At the beginning of the 20th century there lived an enlightened, innovative, humanist figure—the Grand Vizier (Prime Minister) of Khiva khanate, Islamkhodja. At the age of 17, Islamkhodja ruled the city of Hazorasp, which was considered a… Continue reading Film Screening: Islomkhodja