CAP Event Archives
After the War: What a Ukraine Peace Agreement Could Mean for Central Asia
Wednesday, February 26, 202510:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. (EST) Virtual Event As discussions around a potential peace agreement in Ukraine continue, its consequences for Central Asia remain a…
Collections and Collectors: Central Asian Masterpieces in European Museums
Monday, February 3, 2025 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. This event will be held in English with discussion in English/Russian.Мероприятие пройдет на английском, с вопросами на русском и английском…
Central Asia: A Loophole for Russia’s Sanctions?
Online event August 23 @ 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST Russia is facing unprecedented economic and political sanctions from the United States and its allies over its invasion of…
Bolashak Fellows Summer Conference 2023
July 27, 2023 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (EDT) Hybrid Event Venue: Lindner Family Commons, 6th floor GW’s Elliott School of International Affairs, 1957 E St NW, Washington, 20052 or Join the…
China’s Genocide Against Uyghurs
China’s Genocide Against Uyghurs Millions of Uyghurs are suffering from unspeakable atrocities at the hands of the Chinese government, including forced sterilization of young women, enforced…
Russian Migration to Central Asia and the South Caucasus
Russian Migration to Central Asia and the South Caucasus Russia’s war on Ukraine has caused massive waves of outmigration of its citizens to the countries of Central Asia and the South…
Safety of Journalists in Central Asia: Challenges and Responses
Safety of Journalists in Central Asia: Challenges and Responses Journalists face pressure in the OSCE area region, to varying degrees; and Central Asia is no exception. This may include…
Celebrating Mukhtar Auezov’s Legacy
Celebrating Mukhtar Auezov’s Legacy The most famous Kazakh writer, Mukhtar Auezov (1897-1961) had a tremendous influence on the formation of modern Kazakh literature and nation-building.…
Violence on the Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Border: Causes and Consequences
Violence on the Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan Border: Causes and Consequences In the past 18 months, we have seen unprecedented levels of violence on the Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan border. What marks…
Escaping the Taliban, One Year Later: Afghan Voices of Hope
Escaping the Taliban, One Year Later: Afghan Voices of Hope Afghan Voices of Hope is a project that seeks to strengthen Afghan diasporic civil society by building solidarity and connecting…
Dungan Folktales and Legends: The Folkloric Narrative Tradition of the Sino-Muslims in Central Asia
Dungan Folktales and Legends: The Folkloric Narrative Tradition of the Sino-Muslims in Central Asia First migrating from northwest China to Russian Central Asia after the suppression of the…
Karakalpakstan Two Months on: Karakalpak and Independent Voices Speak
Karakalpakstan Two Months on: Karakalpak and Independent Voices Speak More than two months have passed since mass protests erupted in Uzbekistan’s northwestern region of Karakalpakstan over…
Reform Crisis in Uzbekistan and the Karakalpak Protests
Reform Crisis in Uzbekistan and the Karakalpak Protests President Shavkat Mirziyoev initiated several constitutional amendments in Uzbekistan at the end of June which have reminded the world…
Giant Gap Discovered in Research on Central Asia: How Climate Change Has Been Overlookedby the Research Community
Giant Gap Discovered in Research on Central Asia: How Climate Change Has Been Overlookedby the Research Community On July 5 (2022), Indra Overland presented new research findings at the…
Referendum in Kazakhstan: Political Reset or Political Redux?
Referendum in Kazakhstan: Political Reset or Political Redux? Kazakhstan held a snap referendum on June 5th asking voters to approve a major overhaul of the country’s constitution in the…
The Reasons Behind a New Wave of Violence in the Pamirs
The Reasons Behind a New Wave of Violence in the Pamirs An online event co-sponsored with the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs and the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. Tajikistan’s…
The Mobilizing Potential of Communication Networks in Central Asia
The Mobilizing Potential of Communication Networks in Central Asia What is the mobilizing and meaning-making potential of information and communication technologies (ICT s) in non-democratic…
Kazakhstan’s Political Reforms Amidst Geopolitical Shifts
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on April 28, 2022. For Kazakhstan, the year started with the unprecedented January riots, a stress test for…
Video – Risks and Opportunities for Central Asia in a New Geopolitical Context
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on April 20, 2022. How are Central Asian countries impacted by the war in Ukraine? What is the future of the…
Video – What is the Current State of Religious Freedom in Uzbekistan?
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on April 13, 2022. The Central Asia Program (CAP) hosted a timely discussion with leading officials and…
Video – EU Efforts to Prevent Violent Extremism (PVE) by Engaging Civil Society in Kyrgyzstan: Evidence from the Ground
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on April 1, 2022. Although a number of previous studies have investigated violent extremism in Central Asia,…
Video – Dynastic Succession in Turkmenistan: Will it Make Any Difference?
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on March 3, 2022. The discussion topics included the implications of the March 12 snap presidential elections…
Modernity, Development and Decolonization of Knowledge in Central Asia: Kazakhstan as a Foreign Aid Donor
An online book launch hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on February 11, 2022. This book joins the discussion on foreign aid triggered by the rise of…
Central Asia as a Pivot in China’s BRI
An online event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on January 26, 2022. With the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a project that aims to integrate China’s…
Kazakhstan: What Next? Understanding the Protests and the Post Protest Political Context
An online event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University and co-sponsored with the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, the Oxus Society for Central Asian…
What is Happening in Kazakhstan? (Video and Transcription)
An online special event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University and co-sponsored with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Davis Center for Russian…
Video – The State of Civil Society in Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan
The George Washington University Central Asia Program organized the second seminar in our Civil Society in Central Asia series. These sessions are led by Central Asia civil society experts…
Video – Editors on Central Asia: New Handbooks for a Maturing Field
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University on December 8, 2021. Four new handbooks on Central Asia appeared in rapid succession by late 2021 or are…
Video – What Next In China’s Growing Security Footprint In Tajikistan?
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on December 3, 2021. China is expanding its security footprint in Central Asia through strategic military…
Video – President Mirziyoyev’s Second Term In Office: What Next For Uzbekistan?
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at George Washington University on Novmber 19, 2021. As Shavkat Mirziyoev starts his second term as the President of Uzbekistan, all eyes are…
Video – Book Launch: Rentier Capitalism and Its Discontents: Power, Morality, and Resistance in Central Asia
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University on November 16, 2021. This book explains and evaluates today’s economic, political, social and ecological…
Video – Политика памяти в Центральной Азии и проблема постколониализма
Bторник, 9 ноября, 2021 В течение последних нескольких лет было разработано несколько инициатив, исследующих белые страницы Центральной Азии 20-го века, от восстания 1916 года до истории…
Video – Soft Power in Central Asia: The Politics of Influence and Seduction
Video – Soft Power in Central Asia: The Politics of Influence and Seduction A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University on November 3, 2021.…
Video – Questioning Sovietness in Post-Soviet Nationbuilding
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University on October 29th, 2021. In this roundtable, we aim to provide a conceptual intervention in the ongoing…
Video – Book Launch of Central Peripheries: Nationhood in Central Asia
A virtual discussion hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University on October 8, 2021. Central Peripheries explores post-Soviet Central Asia through the prism of…
Video – Looking Back on Central Asia’s Perestroika: Political Narratives and Political Mobilization | Оглядываясь на перестройку в Ц
A virtual discussion hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University on October 1, 2021. Life in the USSR was effectively turned upside down by the package of reforms…
Video – Ground Truth: Local Views About The Taliban’s Return
A virtual event hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University on August 23, 2021. About this event In the span of just a few days, the Taliban has reached the borders…
Video – Afghanistan, Central Asia, and the Resurgence of the Taliban
July 27, 2021 As Talibans are progressing in retaking control of Afghanistan, Central Asian states and border communities found themselves in a situation of neighboring Taliban-government…
Video – Marriage Quandaries in Central Asia
Marriage Quandaries in Central Asia June 21, 2021 The reality of marriage across Central Asia is complicated. Not only does the term “marriage” cover a wide range of practices and…
Video – Spring 2021 CAAFP Fellows Research Presentation
Spring 2021 CAAFP Fellows’ Final Research Presentation June 17, 2021 The Central Asia Program is proud to announce our Spring 2021 CAAFP Fellows’ Final Research Presentation. This brief…
China’s Vaccine Diplomacy In Central Asia: What Next?
China’s Vaccine Diplomacy In Central Asia: What Next? A virtual discussion hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the George…
Remembering Kazakhstan’s Great Famine of the 1930s
A virtual discussion hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the George Washington University on June 8, 2021. May 31 marks the…
Representing Cultural Diversity in Russia. The Eurovision contest and Manizha’s “Russian Woman” Performance
A virtual discussion hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the George Washington University on May 5, 2021. The nomination of…
The Bukharan Crisis: A Connected History of 18th – Century Central Asia (Video)
April 20, 2021 In the first half of the eighteenth century, Central Asia’s Bukharan Khanate descended into a crisis from which it would not recover. Bukharans suffered failed harvests and…
Память из пламени Афганистана (видео)
16 апреля, 2021 Проект «Память из пламени Афганистана» был инициирован Марлен Ларуэль, Ph.D., (директор Института исследований Европы, России и Евразии (IERES), директор Программы по изучению…
The Central Asian Revolt of 1916: A Collapsing Empire in the Age of War and Revolution (Video)
April 9, 2021 The 1916 Revolt was a key event in the history of Central Asia, and of the Russian Empire in the First World War. This volume is the first comprehensive re-assessment of its…
Double Book Launch: Chinese Foreign Policy toward Central Asia and the Silk Roads (Video)
Double Book Launch: Chinese Foreign Policy toward Central Asia and the Silk Roads March 26, 2021 Virtual double book launch hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European,…
Book Launch – Pipe Dreams: Water and Empire in Central Asia’s Aral Sea Basin
Book Launch – Pipe Dreams: Water and Empire in Central Asia’s Aral Sea Basin March 16, 2021 Virtual book launch hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European,…
Book Launch – Toward Nationalizing Regimes: Conceptualizing Power and Identity in the Post-Soviet Realm (Video)
Book Launch – Toward Nationalizing Regimes: Conceptualizing Power and Identity in the Post-Soviet Realm March 11, 2021 Virtual book launch hosted by the Central Asia Program at the…
Slow Anti-Americanism: The Social Movements and Symbolic Politics in Central Asia (Video)
Slow Anti-Americanism: The Social Movements and Symbolic Politics in Central Asia March 9, 2021 Virtual book launch hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian,…
30th Anniversary of US-Kazakh Diplomatic Relations (Video)
30th Anniversary of US-Kazakh Diplomatic Relations February 11, 2021 Virtual discussion hosted by the Central Asia Program and the Embassy of Kazakhstan to mark the 30th anniversary of…
Trapped in the System: Experiences of Uyghur Detention in Xinjiang (Video)
Trapped in the System: Experiences of Uyghur Detention in Xinjiang February 3, 2021 Virtual discussion hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian…
Book Launch: Land of Strangers – The Civilizing Project in Qing Central Asia (Video)
Book Launch: Land of Strangers – The Civilizing Project in Qing Central Asia January 27, 2021 Virtual book launch hosted by the Central Asia Program at the Institute for European,…
Kazakhstan’s Parliamentary Elections: What Next? (Video)
Kazakhstan’s Parliamentary Elections: What Next? January 12, 2021 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the George…
Late Soviet Central Asia: Colonialism vs Nationalism (Video)
Late Soviet Central Asia: Colonialism vs Nationalism December 23, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the George…
The Other Side of Oil (Video)
The Other Side of Oil December 7, 2020 Virtual event hosted by The George Washington University’s Central Asia Program and Crude Accountability presenting The Other Side of Oil, a documentary…
Parental Labor Migration and Educational Attainment in Kyrgyzstan (Video)
Parental Labor Migration and Educational Attainment in Kyrgyzstan November 24, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at…
Current Challenges Facing the Post-Soviet Societies of Central Asia (Video)
Current Challenges Facing the Post-Soviet Societies of Central Asia October 27, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies…
What’s At Stake In Tajikistan’s Presidential Elections (Video)
What’s At Stake In Tajikistan’s Presidential Elections October 7, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at…
Current Challenges in Tajikistan with Muhiddin Kabiri (Video)
Current Challenges in Tajikistan with Muhiddin Kabiri September 21, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the George…
Kazakhstan’s Policy on Multilingualism with Jill Neuendorf (Video)
Kazakhstan’s Policy on Multilingualism with Jill Neuendorf September 14, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at…
Book Launch: Analysing Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy: Regime Neo-Eurasianism in the Nazarbaev Era (Video)
Book Launch: Analysing Kazakhstan’s Foreign Policy: Regime Neo-Eurasianism in the Nazarbaev Era August 27, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for…
Current Developments in Uzbekistan: A Conversation with H.E. Javlon Vakhabov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the US and Canada (Video)
Current Developments in Uzbekistan: A Conversation with H.E. Javlon Vakhabov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to the US and Canada July 22, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the…
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Central Asian Migrants in Russia (Video)
The COVID-19 Pandemic and Central Asian Migrants in Russia July 16, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the George…
Post COVID-19: Building Resilience in Central Asia (Video)
Post COVID-19: Building Resilience in Central Asia July 9, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian studies at the George…
Turkmenistan and the Fight Against COVID-19 (Video)
Turkmenistan and the Fight Against COVID-19 July 6, 2020 Virtual event hosted by Central Asia Program at the Institute for European, Russian, and Eurasian studies at the George Washington…
Beijing Binds: How COVID-19 is Deepening China’s Relationship with Central Asia (Video)
Beijing Binds: How COVID-19 is Deepening China’s Relationship with Central Asia with Raffaello Pantucci June 30, 2020 COVID-19 has further exposed tensions that exist within…
Crisis Management as a Test of Reforms in Uzbekistan (Video)
Crisis Management as a Test of Reforms in Uzbekistan June 11, 2020 Our panel of guest experts discuss the situation in Uzbekistan in the midst of the global challenge of Covid-19 as well as a…
Political Stability and Human Security in Tajikistan in Time of COVID-19 (Video)
Monday, May 11, 2020 Conflicting reports from Tajikistan create confusion about how COVID-19 is affecting the country. Tajikistan admitted to its first COVID-19 cases on April 30 as the World…
Kyrgyzstan’s Slide to Autocracy (Video)
Kyrgyzstan’s Slide to Autocracy with Dr. Erica Marat & Colleen Wood (April 13, 2020) Kyrgyzstan was on the path of holding local and parliamentary elections this year. But two…
The Return of Foreign Fighters from Conflict Zones: Kazakhstan’s Experience
The Return of Foreign Fighters from Conflict Zones: Kazakhstan’s Experience (January 28, 2020) As the Syrian conflict entered into the new stage, the return of foreign fighters to…
Soft Infrastructure Development in Central Asia 2020: Effective Infrastructure Development Through Legislation, Regulation, Policies, Governance, and Public Private Frameworks
Soft Infrastructure Development in Central Asia 2020: Effective Infrastructure Development Through Legislation, Regulation, Policies, Governance, and Public Private Frameworks (December 6,…
The Central Asia-Azerbaijan Fellowship Program’s Seminar: Youth as a Factor of Social Change in Central Asia
The Central Asia Program is proud to announce our CAAFP 2019 Fellows’ Final Research Presentation. Join us for a half-day seminar featuring our scholars from Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and…
The Researcher and His/Her Fieldwork in Central Eurasia (photo gallery)
In a world where the visual is becoming an integral part of knowledge, visuals can also express scholarly knowledge. As such, for the 2019 conference, CESS organized its first-ever photo…
Spring 2019 CAP Fellows Final Seminar Series (video)
Education challenges and opportunities in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Education constitutes one of the most pressing social issues for Central Asian societies. In Kazakhstan, regional…
Improving Human Capital and Social Innovation in a post-Karimov Uzbekistan (video)
As Uzbekistan continues to undergo reforms under Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the improvement of human capital is an essential part of the country’s growth. The country faces numerous challenges…
The Rise of Social Media in Central Asia – Spring 2019 CAP Fellows Seminar Series (video)
The latest analysis of the power that social media has in Central Asia in a variety of forms is presented from experts from the field: Mirakmal Niyazmatov, Eldar Asanov, and Elmurat Ashiraliev:
The Hungry Steppe Famine, Violence, and the Making of Soviet Kazakhstan with author Sarah Cameron (video)
The Hungry Steppe examines one of the most heinous crimes of the Stalinist regime, the Kazakh famine of 1 930–33. More than 1.5 million people perished in this famine, a quarter of…
Russian Policy in Syria and the Middle East: Determination, Delight, and Disappointment (video)
Panel 1. Russia’s Engagement Strategies in the Middle East Nikolas Gvosdev (Naval War College/Foreign Policy Research Institute; Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs) Russian…
Symposium on China’s Mass Incarceration of Uyghurs (video)
On 27 November, 2018, GW’s Central Asia Program hosted a Symposium on China’s Mass Incarceration of Uyghurs, which included the following panels and speakers: Panel 1: “Contextualizing…
“Not In Our Name”: A research and documentary project developed by RFE/RL (video of the discussion)
In October 2018, GW’s Central Asia Program and RFE/RL launched Not in Our Name, a research and documentary project developed by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) to help communities in…
Encounters at the Edge of the Muslim World: A Political Memoir of Kyrgyzstan with author Eugene Huskey and Ambassador Kadyr M. Toktogulov (video)
Drawing on three decades of research and travel in Kyrgyzstan, Encounters at the Edge of the Muslim World: A Political Memoir of Kyrgyzstan takes readers on a journey through the unlikely…
Orange and Blue: the World of Barzu- Promoting Central Asia through Children’s Literature (video)
Author Marina Abrams introduces Central Asia through children’s literature in her new book Orange and Blue: The World of Barzu. The story is told through the young boy, Barzu, who lives in the…
Assessing the Terrorist Threat In and From Central Asia
Through an examination of the available evidence and drawing on fieldwork in the region since 2014, Edward Lemon discusses the threat posed by terrorism in the region and beyond it, in Russia,…
Foreign Investment Law and Sustainable Development in the Kyrgyz Republic (video)
Dr. Begaiym Esenkulova is an Associate Professor of Law of the American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) and who is currently a Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar at the Indiana University…
‘Bourgeois’ Islam, Prosperity Theology, and Ethics in Muslim Eurasia (video)
29 January, 2018 Full video of the event:
Towards a New Uzbekistan? The Magnitude, Impact and Limitations of Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s Reforms
By CAP Transcript of the CAP workshop Towards a New Uzbekistan? The Magnitude, Impact and Limitations of Shavkat Mirziyoyev’s Reforms, January 24, 2017 Sean Roberts, GWU Navbahor Imamova,…
Global Powers and Competing ‘Fixes’ in Central Asia
By CAP Transcript of the presentation by Dr. Balihar Sanghera, Director of Graduate Studies (Taught), Senior Lecturer in Sociology, University of Kent; George F. Kennan Fellow, Woodrow Wilson…
Deciphering the Notion of “Uzbek Terrorists”
By CAP Transcript of the presentation by Alisher Siddique, Director of RFE/RL’s Uzbek Service, November 15, 2017 I’m very humbled to address such a knowledgeable crowd actually. And from…
Islam and the State in Central Asia – a Friedrich Ebert Foundation Report
By CAP The latest report of the Almaty club (a Central Asia Policy Group) on Islam and the State in Central Asia analyzes evolution in legislation, the secularization of Islam, Islamic…
The Transformation of Tajikistan’s Religious Field: From Religious Moderation to Authoritarian Salafism
By Shahnoza Nozimova and Tim Epkenhans Presentation at workshop The Islamic Mediascape in Central Asia, October 2, 2017 Transcript Tim: Really sorry that I can’t be in Washington today.…
What Lies ahead for Kyrgyzstan after the Presidential Elections?
By CAP Transcript of the CAP workshop What Lies ahead for Kyrgyzstan after the Presidential Elections?, October 19, 2017 Erica Marat, National Defense University Eric McGlinchey, George Mason…
Sergey Abashin – Central Asian Migrants in Russia: Will there be a Religious Radicalization?
By Sergey Abashin