By Farkhod Tolipov
Category: Domestic Politics
Materials (articles, discussions, publications) on domestic politics and policies of Central Asian states (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)
What Changes in a Post-Karimov Uzbekistan?
What Changes in a Post-Karimov Uzbekistan?
Uzbekistan under New Leadership: What’s Changing, What’s Staying the Same
By Bruce Pannier
Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature. Elites and Narratives
Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature. Elites and Narratives DIANA T. KUDAIBERGENOVA Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature is a book about cultural transformations and trajectories of national… Continue reading Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature. Elites and Narratives
What Changes in a Post-Karimov Uzbekistan?
Event hosted at CAP October 27, 2016
Kazakhstan in the Making. Legitimacy, Symbols, and Social Changes
Kazakhstan in the Making. Legitimacy, Symbols, and Social Changes EDITED BY MARLENE LARUELLE – CONTRIBUTIONS BY ULAN BIGOZHIN; ALIMA BISSENOVA; DOUGLAS BLUM; ALEXANDER C. DIENER; NATALIE KOCH; DIANA T. KUDAIBERGENOVA; MARLENE LARUELLE; MATEUSZ… Continue reading Kazakhstan in the Making. Legitimacy, Symbols, and Social Changes
Imagining the Nation: Identity, Nation Building and Foreign Policy in Kazakhstan
By Sabina Insebayeva
The Origins of the Civil War in Tajikistan. Nationalism, Islamism, and Violent Conflict in Post-Soviet Space
The Origins of the Civil War in Tajikistan. Nationalism, Islamism, and Violent Conflict in Post-Soviet Space TIM EPKENHANS In May 1992 political and social tensions in the former Soviet Republic… Continue reading The Origins of the Civil War in Tajikistan. Nationalism, Islamism, and Violent Conflict in Post-Soviet Space
Birth and Death of Democracy in Tajikistan: Memories and Reflections about Elections from 1990 until 2016
By Muhiddin Kabiri
Azerbaijan’s Suspended Democracy: Time For An International Reassessment
By Arzu Geybullayeva
Central Asia Program Publications 2016
Central Asia Program Publications 2016 Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES)Elliott School of International AffairsThe George Washington University Download PDF
The Roots Of Uzbekistan: Nation Making In The Early Soviet Union
By Adeeb Khalid
The Central Asia Security Workshop
CAP Papers No. 165
Political Process, Social Activity and Individual Strategies in Georgia
By Ruslan Baramidze
Political and Economic Trends in Kazakhstan
By Dossym Satpayev
Propiska as a Tool of Discrimination in Central Asia
By Malika Tukmadieyva
Interview with Muhiddin Kabiri, Leader of the Islamic Renaissance Party of Tajikistan In-Exile
Interview by Parvina Khamidova
Fall 2016 Central Asia Fellows Seminar
Fall 2016 Central Asia Fellows Seminar
Rasht Revisited: Five Years after the Conflict
By Eric Hamrin and Edward Lemon
Political Parties in the Kyrgyz Republic: Their Organization and Functioning
By Bermet Imanalieva
The Kumtor Gold Mine and the Rise of Resource Nationalism in Kyrgyzstan
By Matteo Fumagalli
Turkmenistan: Domestic Evolution, Economic Development, and Regional Environment
Central Asia Policy Brief No. 28, June 2015
The 2015 Tajik elections online: few posts, fewer likes, even fewer shares
By Abdulfattoh Shafiev