By Giulia Cabras
Author: CAP
Research Note: Uzbek Online Recruiting to the Syrian Conflict
Qing Dynasty and Uyghurs in the 19th Century (Controversy over the Question of Re-conquering Xinjiang)
By Dina V. Doubrovskaya
Партнерство республик Центральной Азии и ООН в сфере безопасноси и устойчивого развития
Д.и.н. Мирзохид Рахимов
Взаимоотношения республик Центральной Азии и России
Д.и.н. Мирзохид Рахимов
Языковые процессы в современном городском пространстве Ташкентской области
Юлия Цыряпкина
Роль ислама в жизни центрально-азиатских мигрантов в Москве
Софи Рош
Evolution of the Russian Language in the Tashkent Region’s Urban Spaces
By Yulia Tsyryapkina
Turkmenistan’s Neutrality in Post-Crimea Eurasia
Revisiting ‘Great Games’ and ‘New Silk Roads’ in Central Asia
Fatema Z. Sumar
The role of Islam in the lives of Central Asian migrants in Moscow
Revisiting Water Issues in Central Asia: Shifting from Regional Approach to National Solutions
Between Utopia and Dystopia: Uyghur Intellectuals (1949-2000)
By Mamtimin Ala
On Some Mythological Plots in Ancient Uyghur Literature
By Tatiana A. Anikeeva
Синьцзян-Уйгурский автономный район КНР в российских исследованиях начала XXI века
Анна Бондаренко
Brief History of Uyghur Literature
By Dolkun Kamberi
From Pamirs to the Outside World: Seeking Decent Jobs
By Kavikas Kuhistoni
Energy Policy Options for the Rasht Valley
Facebook Jihad: The IMU’s Digital Communication Strategy for the Karachi Airport Attack
Ensuring Freedom from State Violence in the Kyrgyz Republic
Central Asia Program Publications 2014
Central Asia Program Publications 2014 The Institute for European,Russian, and Eurasian Studies (IERES)Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University Download PDF
First International Conference on Uyghur Studies: History, Culture, and Society
Annual Uyghur Studies Conferences First International Conference on Uyghur Studies: History, Culture, and Society Central Asia ProgramInstitute for European, Russian and Eurasian StudiesElliott School of International Affairs The George Washington… Continue reading First International Conference on Uyghur Studies: History, Culture, and Society
Интервью с воинами-интернационалистами Афганской войны 1979-1989 годов
Интервью с воинами-интернационалистами Афганской войны 1979-1989 годов This book offers unique insight into the memory of the Central Asian afgantsy,who fought in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion of 1979-1989. This work… Continue reading Интервью с воинами-интернационалистами Афганской войны 1979-1989 годов